Inside Looking Out installation image. Photo courtesy of Gross McCleaf Gallery.
March 3, 2021
Amie Potsic interviews Rebecca Segall, Gross McCleaf's new Gallery Owner and Director about her acquisition of the gallery, her artistic connections to PAFA, and her perspective on stewarding the gallery into the future.
Rebecca Segall is the President of GMG Arts, Inc. dba Gross McCleaf Gallery, an institution in Philadelphia’s Fine Arts community for the last half-century. An accomplished artist herself, Rebecca is a graduate of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and has also had a career in consumer products sales as an on-air specialist for the QVC television shopping network, as well as in real estate brokerage representing developers in the sale of residential properties.
Rebecca is a member of the Board of Directors of the Children’s Crisis Treatment Center, a Philadelphia-based nonprofit organization focused on meeting the therapeutic needs of children who have experienced trauma in the city’s diverse communities. She is also a member of the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s South Asian Art Committee.
Outside Looking In installation image. Photo courtesy of Gross McCleaf Gallery.
Outside Looking In installation image. Photo courtesy of Gross McCleaf Gallery.
Inside Looking Out installation image. Photo courtesy of Gross McCleaf Gallery.
Outside Looking In installation image. Photo courtesy of Gross McCleaf Gallery.
Outside Looking In installation image. Photo courtesy of Gross McCleaf Gallery.
About Outside Looking In
Douglas Martenson paints observationally in various locations in Maine and Pennsylvania. He meticulously documents the light, atmosphere, and environment of each view through a variety of painting techniques. While the painted objects appear with local color firmly established, a sensitive eye will begin to perceive deep reds, light purples, golds, chromatic grays, and a spectrum of ever-present blues. Martenson’s careful handling of paint opens up worlds within each object, giving way to a conceptual interpretation over time.
Martenson is a Professor at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and teaches Drawing at the University of Pennsylvania. He has been exhibiting in Philadelphia with Gross McCleaf Gallery for over two decades and has shown his work regionally and nationally throughout the United States.
About Inside Looking Out
Douglas Martenson curated Inside Looking Out with the intention of creating a dialogue between this group exhibit and his own solo show, Outside Looking In. GMG is pleased to present works by Brian Boutwell, Betsy Eby, Deirdre Murphy, Celia Reisman, Rebecca Segall, Sterling Shaw, Mickayel Thurin, Alexandra Tyng, and Leigh Werrell.
Both exhibitions are on view at GMG from March 3 - 27, 2021. For more information, visit: